Enrollment Markets
Which Universities Award Merit Aid Most Frequently?
Oct 20, 2024

Which Universities Award Merit Aid Most Frequently?

Deploying merit aid is an interesting strategy. Which universities use merit aid a lot?

Universities Awarding Merit Aid Most Frequently

Showing Percentage of Full-Time First-Time Freshmen Receiving Merit Aid

Universities Awarding Merit Aid Most Frequently

Showing Number of Full-Time First-Time Freshmen Receiving Merit Aid

Another phrase for tuition discounting is “merit aid.” Above are the universites that, on a percentage basis, most frequently award merit aid.

The formula (using IPEDS SFA tables)

For families with earnings too-high to qualify for need-based federal financial aid, but too low to afford $50-$70k of annual tuition, merit aid is appealing.

We can measure which private nonprofits award merit aid most frequently:

  1. We calculate full-time first-time (FTFT) undergraduate enrollment from the ANYAIDN and ANYAIDP variables. If ANYAIDP = 50% and ANYAIDN = 100, the FTFT pool is 100/0.50 = 200.
  2. Next we subtract out the tuition full-payers. If ANYAIDP = 50%, then the full-payer pool is (1-ANYAIDP) = 50%. So 50% * 200 = 100 full-payers. 200 (FTFT pool) - 100 (full payers) = 100 paying something.
  3. Finally, we subtract out the sum of students from families earnings $0 - $110k. These students are captured by IPEDS variables GRN4G12, GRN4G22, GRN4G32, and GRN4G42. Those students are primarily receiving need-based financial aid.
  4. Our formula is now: [100 paying something - (GRN4G12+GRN4G22+GRN4G32+GRN) = # merit aid]
  5. We want it in percentage terms, so we use # merit aid / FTFT pool