Multimodal Enrollment at the Ivy League: 2019-2023
How many hybrid and online-only enrollments does the Ivy league have now?
Here’s a summary:
Ivy League Multimodal Enrollment 2019-2023
Showing enrollments by modality for the past 4 academic years, including both undergraduate and graduate enrollment. (Source: EFFY-DIST Tables in IPEDS)
Below is more of a breakdown, looking closely at each Ivy’s enrollment mix over time:
Undergraduate Enrollment
2019-20 Ivy League UG
Undergraduate Enrollments: Online, Hybrid, and In-Person (IPEDS: EFFY2020DIST)
2020-21 Ivy League UG
Undergraduate Enrollments: Online, Hybrid, and In-Person (IPEDS: EFFY2021DIST)
2021-22 Ivy League UG
Undergraduate Enrollments: Online, Hybrid, and In-Person (IPEDS: EFFY2022DIST)
2022-23 Ivy League UG
Undergraduate Enrollments: Online, Hybrid, and In-Person (IPEDS: EFFY2023DIST)
text about Harvard Extension, Columbia SPS, Cornell maybe
Graduate Enrollment
2019-20 Ivy League GRAD
Graduate Enrollments: Online, Hybrid, and In-Person (IPEDS: EFFY2020DIST)
2020-21 Ivy League GRAD
Graduate Enrollments: Online, Hybrid, and In-Person (IPEDS: EFFY2021DIST)
2021-22 Ivy League GRAD
Graduate Enrollments: Online, Hybrid, and In-Person (IPEDS: EFFY2022DIST)
2022-23 Ivy League GRAD
Graduate Enrollments: Online, Hybrid, and In-Person (IPEDS: EFFY2023DIST)
Next we’ll look at how many hybrid and online-only enrollments the Ivy league reports now:
Harvard added 727 Online-Only enrollments:
Harvard 2019-20
Harvard 2022-23
On a percentage basis, Yale has reported the most significant shift into Online-Only and Hybrid enrollment:
Yale 2019-20
Yale 2022-23
Princeton is an outlier and reports zero online-only and hybrid enrollments to IPEDS’ EFFYDIST:
Princeton 2019-20
Princeton 2022-23
The data on Dartmouth is buggy: Dartmouth reported to IPEDS its move to hybrid a year earlier than everyone else, probably due to rounding (other Ivy’s rounded the 2019-20 year’s enrollment to ‘in-person’ but Dartmouth rounded it to ‘hybrid’). So Dartmouth’s 5,884 “hybrid” enrollments for 2019-20 are not representative of a pre-Covid trend… it’s Covid data.
But the 2023 data on 126 hybrid enrollments is interesting.
Dartmouth 2019-20
Dartmouth 2022-23
Penn has 3x’d its hybrid enrollments and added 1,708 Online-Only enrollments:
Penn 2019-2020
Penn 2022-23
Columbia has added 3,704 Hybrid & 1,106 Online-Only enrollments:
Columbia 2019-2020
Columbia 2022-23
Cornell has kept online-only enrollments small, but grown hybrid enrollments +1,578:
Cornell 2019-2020
Cornell 2022-23