Online Higher Ed
Exclusively-Online Private Universities: 40 100%-Online IPEDS IDS
Oct 28, 2024

Exclusively-Online Private Universities: 40 100%-Online IPEDS IDS

How many enrollments do Exclusively-Online Private Universities have and which states have them?

Useful IPEDS IDS for Research

  • 40 Private Universities have distinct IPEDS ID’s for their online campuses.

  • For clarity - many of the largest online private universities, like the Southern New Hampshire University report a mix of hybrid and in-person enrollments, and are not in this list.

    • I find it useful to have a list of IPEDS IDS with 100% online enrollments to view emerging trends in College Navigator. Below the chart is the list with IPEDS IDS.

Exclusively-Online Private Universities and Enrollments

Showing 2022-23 Enrollment Data. Source: IPEDS' EFFY-DIST

Below is a table with 40 IPEDS IDS (only 11 fit nicely in the chart) where enrollment is 100% online:

IPEDS ID / UNITIDUniversity NameOnline Enrollments
433387Western Governors University (UT)236,992
488846University of the People (CA)47,205
196680Excelsior University (NY)21,494
480091Bryant & Stratton College-Online (NY)15,738
444130Northcentral University (CA)14,531
475033Relay Graduate School of Education (NY)3,248
156727Frontier Nursing University (KY)3,181
474863Los Angeles Pacific University (CA)3,023
480569Florida Institute of Technology-Online (FL)2,158
497480Reach University (CA)1,189
497037Abilene Christian University-Undergraduate Online (TX)1,161
127714Nazarene Bible College (CO)961
100690Amridge University (AL)870
368771Hypnosis Motivation Institute (CA)700
388520College of Biblical Studies-Houston (TX)553
496706Lakewood University (OH)449
488387Claremont Lincoln University (CA)401
480985Midwives College of Utah (UT)385
443058Family of Faith Christian University (OK)375
146490Lake Forest Graduate School of Management (IL)349
497000Remington College-Online Dallas (TX)349
498289Pontifex University (GA)321
457697City Vision University (MO)320
497824Evangel University-College of Online Learning (MO)313
482228Veritas Baptist College (IN)276
475398Catholic Distance University (VA)270
441690Universidad Pentecostal Mizpa (PR)250
448691International Institute for Restorative Practices (PA)233
496618National Institute for Medical Assistant Advancement (NIMAA) (CO)214
129428Rensselaer at Hartford (CT)175
193894New York Theological Seminary (NY)142
493363Institute of Lutheran Theology (SD)140
123916Starr King School for the Ministry (CA)107
157207Lexington Theological Seminary (KY)101
457271Academy for Jewish Religion California (CA)80
497408Bridges Christian College (LA)64
481030Future Generations University (WV)55
198677Heritage Bible College (NC)36
142957American Islamic College (IL)22
492087The Continents States University (MO)10

Digging into the data, we can also compare the proportions of Undergraduate Enrollments to Graduate Enrollments.

We’ll focus on the 5-largest universities from above:

Exclusively-Online Private Universities

Showing 2022-23 Enrollment Data by: Undergraduate and Graduate. Source: IPEDS' EFFY2023